Joined at the Hip (that’s fellowship!)


We were made to do life together, not alone. And we’re made to it in faith AND in love-infused actions.

My children, our love should not be only words and talk. No, our love must be real. We must show our love by the things we do.

1 John 3:18, ERV

1 john actions

(Photo and beautiful artwork courtesy:  Tammy Miller, 2016)

Relationships with other faith-minded people the is connective tissue of the fellowship lifestyle.  You know I have Lupus, right?  It’s an autoimmune disease that can affect the connective tissue in the body.   Connective tissue is just what it sounds like – tissue that connects things in your body to other things inside so it can support the body effectively.  So that all systems work together for the overall good and health of the body.  If we take that analogy into the spiritual realm, fellowship is the connective tissue that helps us to hold everything together spiritually and ensures strength and health of the body of the church.

The fibers of this “fellowship” connective tissue allow us to share and connect our passions, identity, purpose, cares, and concerns with others who also worship God, which was the first purpose we studied last week. It reminds us that we are not an island unto ourselves (thank you, John Donne), but instead are a part of something much larger and meaningful. And it makes us stronger spiritually, prayerfully.  For when we realize we are a part of something bigger than ourselves, we become far more plugged into those around us and their needs, wants, identities, etc.

“Never pray in a room without windows.” The Talmud

Isn’t that awesome?!  In other words, there is a world outside of your “room”; people you need and who need you, too.  Don’t close yourself off!

We were made for one another and to share the love of Christ with each other, that’s fellowshipping.

Gospel is love lived out

If so, then this whole fellowship thing is an extension of us getting out there and “gospel-ing”, and in the case of fellowship, it isn’t really evangelizing, it’s doing life lovingly with our fellow believers – just like Jesus did with his own disciples.

It’s not only spiritual, this fellowship idea. It’s also practical.

God gives us fellowship to give us purpose and relationship for every day we spend here on earth. It’s vital to our spiritual health that we walk this life with one another in real love and tangible support.

In other words, get out there and go gospeling, sweet girls. That’s what this second purpose from The Purpose Driven Life is all about.  And speaking of The Purpose Driven Life and our on Purpose series, here’s your homework for this week!

  • Read Days 15-21 in The Purpose Driven Life
  • Do Week 4 in your Inspiration Book
  • Get out there and get gospeling!  😉
  • Turn up the volume and jam out to this super fun tune by Rend Collective, “You Will Never Run”!  (I triple dog dare you not to giggle and dance a little while watching it!! I’ve seen these guys in concert and  I promise you they are just as fun and crazy in person!)


Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!  See you back here next week!

Peace, love, and JOY!


Up Next Week:  I LIKE Christ, but am I Christlike?!


2 responses »

  1. Hey Wendie!

    Great blog post today. I agree and believe it, but find it hard sometimes to feel that sense of community–something I definitely struggle with! Thanks for talking about it and how important it is for our faith.

    I have an off-topic question for you, one blogger to another 😉 — when you shared your post on FB, it came up in a nice little box with a like button right there for your blog: how’d ya do that??

    Keep up the great writing!!!!!

    Lynn Allaway

    Sent from my iPhone


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