YOU!!! Yes YOU!!! Get the fluff out of your ears! Time to LISTEN UP!!!


Have you ever felt like people aren’t listening to you?  I bet you know what I mean.  Like when you are talking to a friend and she is gazing off in another direction?  Or maybe she’s checking her phone for an email or text while you’re speaking, or perhaps making a note on a list or even simply appears to be drifting off while you are sharing your soul…

By the same token, how many times do you find your own self thinking about what you want to say next in a conversation instead of truly and actively listening to the person who is speaking to you?! 

God ALWAYS listens.  I mean it.  He has no other agenda than to be in relationship and conversation with you.  And that, my friends, is one of the best gifts you can get this Christmas.

Here’s a little post about listening and God’s desire to share with you.  Enjoy!

“If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”  A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh.

ear fluff

Oh my friends…I truly couldn’t resist this Pooh quote.  It’s one of my favorites, probably because I detest it when I think someone isn’t listening to me! C’mon, already!  Communication is a TWO-way street:  you have to talk AND you have to listen!

Prayer is how we communicate and really hang out with God.  Basically, it’s conversation.  If you think about it, any friendship worth having is one in which we can be ourselves.  It involves a two-way street of give and take, and consists of open communication.  That is my definition of prayer life with God.  We learn so much more about God and the truly wonderful life He wants us to live when we spend time in direct communication with Him!”  Wendie Connors, The KISS, page 41.

When He talks, we gotta listen.  We better take the fluff out of our ears and really hear what it is He is saying. He will tell you things you cannot fathom!  He can soothe your soul, calm your heart, rev up your energy, and vastly increase your joy!  He WANTS to do that for you!  So today I really challenge you to take time to “call” Him, tell Him what’s going on with you, and LISTEN to what’s going on with HIM!!!

“Call to me and I will answer you.  I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.”  Jeremiah 33:3, MSG.

I’m so glad God is patient enough to wait for us to get the fluff out, aren’t you?!

Hope you enjoyed this excerpt from my book, Daily Smooches, Devotions from The K.I.S.S.!  I am getting so excited to ANNOUNCE OUR NEXT BIBLE STUDY SERIES!!!  Be on the look-out – it’s coming very soon!!!  😉  Have a great day!

Up Thursday:  A re-blog on being a Spicy Little Evangelist…!!!



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